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How Anger & Control Can Threaten Relationships


Anger is preparation for control

We all experience anger at some point in our lives and relationships. It’s a natural emotion that arises when we feel threatened, frustrated, or powerless. Anger is a signal that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. However, some people tend to use anger as a means to gain control over others, and this can lead to a pattern of behavior that is harmful to themselves and those around them.

The Power of Anger

Verbal threats and angry facial expressions often cause others to change their behavior. People tend to act to avoid the consequences of their angry expressions. Because angry outbursts produce immediate changes in the behavior of others, they are rewarded and can quickly become habitual.

anger can ruin your relationship

The Control Habit

Using anger as a means of control can become a favorite method of problem-solving for some individuals. It’s important to realize that seeking more control by becoming angry is a method that we use to solve problems. When this becomes our favorite method for dealing with most problems, we develop the anger habit or the control habit. When we use anger to solve most problems in a particular area of our lives, such as relationships, work, or parenting, we develop a relationship anger habit, a work anger habit, or a parenting anger habit.

Relationship Anger Habits

For example, an otherwise mild-mannered person may have only one way of dealing with relationship problems: seeking dominance in the relationship or finding out who is dominant. The dominant person then gets to call the shots. This is the wolfpack solution to all relationship problems. The “top dog” threatens, and the others fall in line. Anger is about solving problems of a certain kind by gaining control.

The use of anger to gain control in relationships is a major reason why marriages and relationships, in general, are in such trouble today. When people in a relationship expect each other to get angry, it can start a cycle of bad behavior. One person becomes angry and uses it as a means of control, which triggers the other person to become defensive and angry as well. This can turn into a full-blown fight, with each person trying to get the upper hand on the other. This can get even worse when one or both parties have a toxic personality.

To break this cycle, we need to understand what anger is and why we get angry. Anger is a natural response to a perceived threat or injustice. It’s a way of saying “This is not okay” and motivating us to take action. However, when we use anger as a means of control, it becomes a destructive force in our lives.

Anger management in relationships

Why Marriages and Relationships Are in Trouble

Both men and women use control as a tool to achieve their ends in relationships. Women use threats such as withdrawal of affection, hurt feelings, and inattention to servile tasks in a struggle for control with their husbands. However, men have used economic and legal status that allowed them total control over the welfare of other members of the family. As undesirable as male domination was, it preserved the marriage, just as alpha individuals (established dominant individuals) preserve a group of wolves or chimpanzees. Unlike marriages, wolf packs stay together. Men used to hold the biggest stick in battles for control, so anger didn’t end relationships.

To break the cycle of using anger as a means of control, we need to learn alternative ways of solving problems. This can mean learning how to talk to people well, showing empathy and compassion, and letting go of our need to be in charge. It’s important to recognize that we can’t control everything in life and that trying to do so will only lead to frustration and anger.

In the end, anger can be helpful when it pushes us to act when we see something unfair or dangerous. However, when we use anger as a means of control, it becomes a destructive force in our lives and can harm our relationships with others.  Learn how to master your anger. Use it as a force of good to navigate common relationship pitfalls.

Top 7 Reasons Why Relationships Fail and How to Avoid Them


In this piece, we’ll review why relationships fail. In the past few years, divorce and breakups have been on the rise, which shows that many couples are having trouble keeping healthy, happy relationships. The latest data shows that there were 2.9 divorces for every 1,000 people in the United States in 2019. Many couples are having problems in their relationships, even though divorce rates can vary from year to year and depend on several factors. In this article, we’ll look at the top reasons why relationships don’t work and give couples tips on how to deal with these problems and build stronger, more satisfying relationships.


How Most Relationships End

Most relationships end due to one or more of the following: breakup, divorce, separation, or mutual agreement to end the relationship.

Regardless of how the relationship ends, it’s essential to take time to process the emotions that come with the end of a relationship. It’s also essential to take care of yourself and seek support if needed.

The number one reason for failed relationships is a lack of communication. Communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and without it, it’s impossible to understand each other’s needs, feelings, and desires.

It’s important to make communication a priority in your relationship. This could mean setting aside time each week to talk, listening actively, and being open and honest with each other.

Factors That Destroy a Relationship

Relationships can be a source of great happiness and fulfillment, but they can also be challenging and sometimes fail. Here are the top 7 reasons why relationships fail:

  1. Lack of communicationLack of communication. Communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. When partners don’t communicate effectively, misunderstandings and resentment can build up over time.
  2. Trust Issues. Trust is essential to a healthy relationship. When trust is broken, it can be difficult to repair the damage and rebuild the connection.
  3. InfidelityInfidelity. Cheating on a partner can be one of the most devastating things that can happen in a relationship. Infidelity can destroy trust and make it difficult to maintain a healthy connection.
  4. Different goals and interests. Partners who have different goals and interests may find it challenging to maintain a strong connection. It’s important to find common ground and work together to build a fulfilling relationship.
  5. Growing ApartGrowing Apart. As people grow and change, it’s natural for relationships to evolve. However, if partners grow too far apart, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy connection.
  6. Money IssuesFinancial problems can be a major source of stress in a relationship. Disagreements over money can lead to conflict and erode the foundation of a relationship.
  7. Lack of intimacyLack of intimacyPhysical and emotional intimacy are important aspects of a healthy relationship. When partners don’t make time for intimacy, it can be difficult to maintain a strong connection.


Understanding the top reasons why relationships fail is essential to building a strong and healthy connection with your partner. By addressing communication breakdowns, trust issues, infidelity, different goals and interests, growing apart, money issues, and a lack of intimacy, partners can work together to build a fulfilling and lasting relationship. It takes effort and dedication, but the rewards are worth it.

Overcoming Self-Sabotage: Practical Tips for Personal Growth

We know that self-sabotage is a big problem for a lot of people who want to grow. At times, we may find ourselves getting in our own way and preventing ourselves from achieving the success and happiness that we desire. This can be frustrating and demotivating, but it’s important to know that there are effective ways to stop self-sabotaging and get back on track.

In this post, we’ll explore the reasons why people impede themselves (and others) and give you tips on how to stop doing this. We will also examine the impact of self-sabotage on our mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. We’ll also provide guidance on how to cultivate a positive mindset that supports personal growth and success.

Understanding Self-Sabotage: Why We Get in Our Own Way

Self-sabotage can come in many forms. It can be as simple as putting things off and avoiding them to criticizing yourself. It emanates comes from our fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs, which keep us from taking the steps we need to take to reach our goals and dreams.

Self sabotageOne of the most common reasons for self-sabotage is the fear of failure. When we fear that we may not succeed or live up to our own expectations, we may subconsciously undermine our own efforts and prevent ourselves from taking the necessary steps to achieve our goals.

Another common cause of self-sabotage is the fear of success. When we fear that success may bring unwanted attention, responsibility, or change, we may unconsciously sabotage our own efforts to avoid these potential consequences.

Self-sabotage can also be rooted in limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. When we believe that we are not good enough, smart enough, or deserving of success, we may undermine our own efforts and prevent ourselves from achieving our full potential.

Overcoming Self-Sabotage: Tips and Strategies for Personal Growth

Luckily, there are effective strategies and techniques that can help us stop self-sabotaging and develop a positive mindset that helps us grow and succeed. Here are some practical tips to help you overcome self-sabotage:

  1. Identify your triggers and patterns.

The first step in overcoming self-sabotage is to identify your triggers and patterns. Pay attention to the situations, thoughts, and emotions that tend to trigger self-sabotage, and take note of the behaviors and actions that you engage in when you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed. Is it a fear of failure? If it’s a relationship, is it the fear of abandonment?

  1. Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs

One of the best ways to stop doing things that hurt yourself is to question your limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. Think about the evidence that goes against your beliefs and ask yourself if they are based on facts or assumptions. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations and focus on your strengths and accomplishments.

  1. Set realistic goals and action plans.

Understanding self sabotageSetting realistic goals and action plans is key to overcoming self-sabotage. Break down your goals into manageable steps and create a clear plan of action that outlines the specific actions that you will take to achieve your goals. Celebrate your progress along the way, and be kind and compassionate to yourself when things don’t go as planned.

  1. Practice self-care and mindfulness.

Self-care and mindfulness practices can help you stay grounded and focused, even in the face of self-sabotage. Take time to nurture your body and mind through activities like exercise, meditation, and journaling. Focus on gratitude and positivity to develop a good attitude, and surround yourself with people who are helpful and who inspire you.


In conclusion, self-sabotage can be a complex issue that affects many aspects of our lives, including our relationships, career, and personal growth.  But we can stop self-sabotaging and reach our goals if we know what makes us do it, if we challenge our limiting beliefs if we set realistic goals, and if we practice self-care and mindfulness.

Remember, self-sabotage is a common human experience, and it’s okay to seek help and support from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals. With commitment, patience, and the right tools and resources, you can break free from self-sabotage and create a fulfilling, joyful, and successful life. Start taking action today and believe in yourself and your abilities to overcome any obstacle on your path to personal growth and transformation.

Techniques for Managing Relationship Anxiety


Relationship anxiety is a common experience for many individuals in romantic relationships. It can cause intense worry, fear, and uncertainty. These can ultimately take a toll on the relationship. But there’s good news: In this post, we’ll highlight effective techniques and strategies that can help manage anxiety in relationships and build a stronger, healthier bond with your partner.

Understanding Anxiety in Relationships

Relationship anxiety leads to worry, fear, or unease. Experts attribute this to past traumas, a fear of abandonment, or a lack of trust. It can also be a result of unmet needs, poor communication, or a lack of emotional intimacy.

Common Reasons for Relationship Anxiety

Managing long distance relationship anxietyThere are many things that can cause relationship anxiety. This includes past traumas, different attachment styles, and bad communication. Long-distance relationships have also been known to trigger certain anxieties. Past traumas, such as a history of abuse or neglect, can lead to anxiety in relationships. Attachment styles, such as anxious or avoidant attachment, can also contribute to relationship anxiety. Poor communication, a lack of trust, and unmet needs can also cause relationship anxiety.

Jealousy, feeling insecure, and always worrying about the relationship are all signs and symptoms of relationship anxiety. It can also lead to physical symptoms, such as nausea, headaches, and difficulty sleeping. Individuals experiencing relationship anxiety may feel the need to check their partner’s phone or social media, constantly seek reassurance, or avoid intimacy.

Techniques for Managing Relationship Anxiety

Effective Communication

Effective communication is crucial in managing anxiety in relationships. It involves being honest and open about one’s feelings and needs, as well as actively listening to one’s partner. Effective communication can help build trust and emotional intimacy in a relationship.

Building self-esteem in relationships

Tips and strategies Building self-esteem is another effective technique for managing relationship anxiety. It involves recognizing one’s worth and value in the relationship, as well as setting healthy boundaries and taking care of oneself. Building self-esteem can help reduce anxiety levels and improve overall relationship satisfaction.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques for Reducing Anxiety

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, can also help reduce anxiety levels in relationships. These techniques can help people be more in the present, have fewer negative thoughts, and feel better all around.

Overcoming Fear and Uncertainty in Relationships

Identifying Triggers

Overcoming fear and uncertainty in relationships involves identifying triggers that cause anxiety and developing coping strategies to manage them. This can include identifying past relationship traumas, setting boundaries, and seeking professional help. How to overcome relationship anxiety

Setting Boundaries in Relationships

Dealing with Insecurity

Setting healthy boundaries in relationships can also help you deal with insecurity and lower your anxiety levels. Boundaries mean telling your partner what you need and what you can’t do, and also respecting their boundaries. This can help build trust and improve overall relationship satisfaction.

Fostering emotional intimacy

Fostering emotional intimacy in relationships involves building trust and openness with one’s partner. This can include sharing one’s thoughts and feelings, actively listening to one’s partner, and engaging in activities that promote emotional closeness.

Reframing negative thoughts

Reframing negative thoughts is another effective strategy for reducing anxiety levels in relationships.  This means noticing and questioning negative thoughts, like making assumptions or making things worse than they really are and replacing them with more positive and realistic thoughts.

Practicing Self-Care

Practicing self-care is essential for managing anxiety in romantic relationships. It involves taking care of oneself, setting healthy boundaries, and engaging in activities that promote well-being.

Long Distance Relationships and Anxiety: How to Deal with It

Long-distance relationships can be a challenging experience for many couples. The lack of physical presence, constant communication, and emotional support can often lead to anxiety and other mental health issues. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips on how to deal with anxiety when in a long-distance relationship, so you can maintain a healthy and happy relationship with your partner.

Understanding Anxiety in Long-Distance Relationships

Relationship anxiety issuesAnxiety is a common emotion that many people feel in a long-distance relationship. It can be caused by the fear of losing your partner, a lack of physical intimacy, or a lack of communication. Anxiety can often lead to negative thoughts, worry, and stress, which can put a strain on your relationship.

It’s important to understand that anxiety is a normal response to a challenging situation, and it’s okay to feel anxious from time to time. However, if you find that your anxiety is impacting your daily life and your relationship, it’s important to seek professional help.

Tips on How to Deal with Anxiety in Long-Distance Relationships

  1. Communicate regularly: Communication is the key to any successful relationship, but it’s even more important in a long-distance one. Make sure to schedule regular calls and video chats with your partner so you can stay connected and maintain a sense of closeness.
  2. Be honest with your partner. It’s important to be open and honest with your partner about how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling anxious or worried, let them know. It’s better to address any issues upfront rather than letting them fester and cause more stress.
  3. Find ways to stay connected: There are many ways to stay connected with your partner, even when you’re far apart. Send each other care packages, plan virtual dates, or watch a movie together over video chat.
  4. Practice self-care: It’s important to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Make sure to exercise regularly, eat healthily, and get enough sleep. Practice relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation, to help manage your anxiety.
  5. Seek professional help: If you find that your anxiety is impacting your daily life and your relationship, it’s important to seek professional help. Talk to a therapist or counselor who can help you manage your anxiety and develop coping strategies.


Relationship anxiety can be a challenging experience for individuals in romantic relationships. However, with effective techniques and strategies, it is possible to manage anxiety levels and build a stronger, healthier bond with a partner. By fostering emotional intimacy, setting healthy boundaries, and practicing self-care, individuals can reduce anxiety levels and improve overall relationship satisfaction. Remember, open communication, trust, and mutual respect are key components of a healthy, fulfilling relationship.

Why Communication in Relationships is Critical

The Importance of Communication in Relationships

Communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship, whether it’s marriage or dating. It allows individuals to express their thoughts and feelings, build understanding and trust, and resolve conflicts in a positive and productive manner. In this post, we’ll explore the importance of communication in relationships and provide tips for improving it.

A. The role of communication in building understanding

Effective communication allows individuals to share their thoughts and feelings in a way that is clear and concise. This helps people understand each other better and can make them feel closer to each other. When both parties feel understood, they are more likely to feel valued and appreciated by their partner.

B. The role of communication in building trust

Trust is an important part of any healthy relationship, and the best way to build and keep trust is through good communication. People show that they care about their partner’s feelings and are willing to be vulnerable with them when they talk openly and honestly. This leads to a greater sense of trust between the individuals in the relationship.

C. The role of effective communication in resolving conflicts

Conflicts are a normal part of any relationship, but effective communication can help to resolve them in a positive and healthy way. When individuals are able to communicate their needs and concerns in a respectful and productive manner, it can lead to a deeper level of understanding and a resolution to the conflict. This allows the relationship to grow and flourish.

Ways to Improve Communication in Relationships

A. Practice active listening.

Active listening involves fully engaging in the conversation and paying attention to what the other person is saying. It requires setting aside distractions and focusing on the speaker’s words, tone, and body language. This helps to build understanding and can prevent misunderstandings.

B. Be honest and open

Honesty is a key component of effective communication. It requires individuals to be open and transparent about their thoughts, feelings, and intentions. This can lead to a greater sense of trust and prevent conflicts from escalating.

C. Avoid negative language

Negative languages, such as criticism and blame, can be damaging to relationships. It can create defensiveness and lead to conflicts. Instead, focus on using positive language that emphasizes constructive feedback and promotes understanding.

D. Validate feelings

Validating someone’s feelings means acknowledging and accepting their emotions without judgment. It involves demonstrating empathy and understanding. This can help to build trust and foster intimacy in relationships.

E. Seek professional help if needed.

If communication in a relationship is consistently challenging, seeking professional help can be beneficial. A couples therapist or counselor can provide guidance and tools for improving communication and resolving conflicts.

Communication Barriers in Relationships

A.Cultural and language differences

Different cultural backgrounds and languages can create barriers to effective communication. It’s important to be aware of these differences and to make an effort to understand and respect them. This can involve learning about other cultures and languages, using simple language, and being patient and attentive.

B. Different communication styles

Individuals have different communication styles, such as direct or indirect communication. It’s important to be aware of these differences and to adjust one’s own style accordingly. This can involve listening carefully, asking questions for clarification, and being open-minded.

C. Emotional barriers

Emotional barriers, such as defensiveness and mistrust, can also create communication barriers. It’s important to address these emotions and work on building trust and understanding. This can involve being honest and transparent, validating feelings, and seeking professional help if needed.


In conclusion, communication is critical in any relationship. It plays a key role in building understanding and trust, resolving conflicts, and fostering intimacy. By practicing active listening, honesty, positive language, and empathy, individuals can improve communication in their relationships. It’s also important to be aware of communication barriers.

5 Tips for a Successful First Date


5 Tips for a Successful First Date

First dates can be nerve-wracking, but they don’t have to be. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can make sure your first date is a success. In this article, we will provide you with 5 tips for a successful first date that will help you impress your date and increase your chances of a second date.


Tip 1: Be yourself.

Be yourselfThe most important thing to remember on a first date is to be yourself. Because this is not a long-distance relationship, don’t try to be someone you’re not or pretend to be interested in things you’re not. It’s important to be honest and authentic so that your date can get to know the real you. If you’re nervous, take a deep breath and remind yourself that your date agreed to go out with you because they like you for who you are.

Tip #2: Set a Date

Set a DatePlanning the date ahead of time can help ensure it goes smoothly. Consider your date’s interests and plan an activity that you both will enjoy. This could be anything from going to a museum to taking a walk in the park. Make sure to confirm the details of the date with your date before the actual date.

Tip 3: Dress Properly

Dress ProperlyDressing appropriately for the date shows that you care about your appearance and your date’s opinion. Make sure to dress for the occasion and choose clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable. If you’re not sure what to wear, ask your date what they plan to wear and try to dress accordingly.

Tip 4: Be a Good Listener

Be a Good ListenerListening is an important skill on a first date. Show your date that you’re interested in what they have to say by actively listening to them. Ask questions and show genuine interest in their responses. This will help create a positive and engaging conversation.

Tip 5: Be polite and respectful.

Be polite and respectfulPoliteness and respect are crucial on a first date. Remember to be courteous and respectful to your date and others around you, such as waitstaff or other customers. Observe healthy boundaries. This will show that you have good manners and are considerate of others.


Q. Should I bring a gift on a first date?
A. It’s not necessary to bring a gift on a first date, but if you feel inclined, you could bring something small, like a flower or a box of chocolates.

Q. What should I talk about on a first date?
A. Try to find common interests and ask open-ended questions to get to know your date better. Avoid controversial or negative topics, such as politics or past relationships.

Q. Should I kiss on the first date?
A. Whether or not to kiss on the first date is a personal choice. Pay attention to your date’s body language and signals, and if it feels right, go for it. If not, don’t force it.


By following these 5 tips for a successful first date, you can ensure that your date goes smoothly and increase your chances of a second date. Remember to be yourself, plan the date, dress appropriately, be a good listener, and be polite and respectful. With a little bit of effort and a positive attitude, your first date can be a success.

Do You Struggle with Fear of Abandonment?


Fear of Abandonment is Real

The fear of abandonment is a complex and deeply rooted emotional challenge that many individuals grapple with throughout their lives. This pervasive fear can manifest in various forms, affecting our relationships, self-esteem, and overall well-being. Whether it stems from early childhood experiences, past traumas, or unresolved emotional issues, the fear of abandonment can cast a shadow over our ability to connect with others and hinder personal growth. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of this fear, exploring its origins and manifestations and offering practical strategies to cope with and ultimately overcome it. Understanding the fear of abandonment is the first step toward reclaiming control of your emotions and building healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

A significant number of people struggle with fear of abandonment

Fear of abandonment can create a barrier to lasting and loving relationships. You may be profoundly aware of it or you may have a nagging feeling that it’s impacting your relationships and your life. If you answer yes to most or all of the points below, this could be you:

  • Do you feel like you have to be perfect or you will be rejected?
  • Do you tolerate criticism or other emotional abuse to avoid being alone?
  • Do you hide your true self because you feel that you will be found not good enough?
  • Do you panic when you don’t receive an immediate response to a text, email, or voicemail?
  • Do you become clingy or demanding when you feel someone pulling away?
  • Or do you leave before you can be left?
  • Do you try to avoid your profound fear of abandonment by focusing on work or numbing out with food, alcohol, or drugs?
  • Do others’ explained or unexplained absences send you into a tailspin?
  • Do you stay in unhealthy relationships because it’s better than being alone?
  • Or do you avoid relationships because you fear the ultimate outcome—you will be left?

You Don’t Have the Relationship You Want

These thoughts and fears can elicit powerful and painful emotions like shame, sadness, loneliness, longing, anger, and anxiety. Life can feel unbearable, and the desire to get rid of the anxiety can make you act out of loneliness, longing, anger, and anxiety. But as you look at your current relationships, you may realize that your old ways of acting don’t work anymore. You already know this because you don’t have the relationship you want.

fear of abandonment

Building a New Life

At the same time, you may feel that your goal of having a healthy, long-lasting, and loving relationship is out of reach or that it will take too much work and you don’t have the time or energy for it. I understand. It’s normal to feel like it’s easier to lower hopes and expectations than to get more driven and determined, especially when it comes to matters of the heart, where we’re always afraid of getting hurt or disappointed.

Many of us have never been in a healthy relationship where we felt valued for who we are. Is it worth putting yourself at risk of more emotional pain? We’ve all been in relationships that make us feel sad, alone, misunderstood, unlovable, unsafe, and like we want more (but not necessarily believe that we deserve more).

What if you could put your fears and beliefs about yourself, other people, and your relationships in a new light? This would give you the distance from your past and let you build strong, loving relationships. What if you could learn different ways to deal with painful emotions and bad thoughts? What if you could make choices that would bring you closer to that healthy relationship you want but fear you might never have?


In conclusion, the fear of abandonment is a deeply ingrained emotional challenge that can significantly impact our lives if left unaddressed. However, it is not an insurmountable obstacle. By acknowledging its existence, exploring its origins, and implementing the strategies outlined in this article, individuals can begin the journey toward healing and personal growth. Remember that you are not alone in your struggles, and seeking support from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals can be a crucial part of the recovery process. Overcoming the fear of abandonment is a courageous endeavor, one that can lead to greater self-awareness, stronger relationships, and a more fulfilling life. Embrace the opportunity for growth and take the first steps towards liberating yourself from the grip of this fear.

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Long Distance Communication: Some Hard Facts


Gearing Up for Long Distance Communication

Gearing Up for Long Distance CommunicationHow do you navigate long-distance relationships? The key is communication. If either you or your partner is relocating, spend time talking before you separate ways physically. Don’t bury your emotions, share what’s on your mind. Learn to solve issues as a pair

It’s always painful to say goodbye. When I moved 5 hours away during high school, I felt so torn. The time apart got tougher as the days grew into weeks and the weeks into months. Being in his arms was sorely missed by me. It was sad that I couldn’t see him and have a conversation with him.

Long distance relationshipsThe most important thing I can say to anyone in a long-distance relationship is to keep the lines of communication open. If only I had known at the tender age of sixteen the value of open lines of communication in a healthy partnership.

Open and Honest Communication

I wouldn’t be telling the truth if I said long-distance relationships were problem-free. They are simply very challenging. Long-distance relationships need effort and devotion. A healthy relationship requires open and honest communication between the two people involved. If this doesn’t happen, problems will persist and nobody’s needs will be taken into account.

Moving forced me to study all kinds of new methods of communication. Disappointment mounted on my part as our time differences limited our ability to communicate. I buried my emotions so deeply that I developed anxiety as a result. After I told him how I felt, he seemed genuinely concerned. That was it; there was no fighting, just an honest exchange of our emotions.

Sadly, amid our pursuits, we lost sight of one another. We both realized that we hadn’t made enough of an effort to communicate with each other and resolved to do better. There was a need for us to give our friendship more focus.

To keep a relationship healthy, it is important to discuss your respective wants and requirements. In a long-distance relationship, what are your shared goals?

Use your imagination to come up with new ways to communicate

Communicating in a long distance relationshipDetermine a regular time to have daily video calls by phone. Spend some time together talking about your day. You can have a FaceTime date in a variety of ways. To spend time together, you could prepare a meal, eat it, watch a movie, or simply have a conversation.

Bringing joy to your partner through small gestures can make their day. Send them care gifts and text them good morning and good night to let them know they’re in your thoughts all day long. We could go on forever thinking of new applications. There are a lot of things you can do to keep things as normal as possible in a long-distance relationship.

Disappointments are inevitable; they occur in every relationship. You should expect to experience both highs and lows, but also wonderful new recollections. Set new boundaries.

Imagine the joy of being reunited with your loved one and being able to give them a big hug and a passionate kiss. It’s indescribable how amazing it feels. Once you are back in your partner’s arms, the time apart seems like it was well worth it.

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Understanding the Narcissistic Relationship Pattern

It is often very frustrating and even distressing to live or work with a narcissistic person. When living with a self-absorbed significant other, it’s not uncommon to ask, “When will it ever be about me?” This is because you have come to the bitter realization that you will never be a priority in their life.

Coming to terms with a self-absorbed partner can be difficult. But what keeps people stuck to their narcissistic significant other? It is the hope that one day the person may change. But this almost always never happens. Narcissists do not seem to possess the realization of their need for connection, love, and belonging. There are many types of narcissism. These range from mild narcissistic personality traits to full-blown disorders. In this post, we’ll examine the entire range of narcissistic personality disorders. Hopefully, we will help you determine whether the person in your life can be classified as a narcissist or not.

The Journey Towards Narcissism Relationship Pattern

There is a helpful way to think about narcissism. (see picture below). A person who is self-loathing or self-hating would be at the end of the continuum. They are extremely self-critical, and when they are complimented, they will lash out at you.


In the middle of the continuum, you find healthy self-love. This type of personality trait can be described as the opposite of narcissism. People with healthy self-love values, take care of themselves and can stand up for themselves. When a person embraces a healthy sense of self-love, he or she will be able to love others. This is because they are confident in themselves and therefore will not fear rejection or hurt. The pathologist Jonas Salk, the first person to discover the polio vaccine, is one of the people who epitomizes the concept of healthy self-love and is likely to act in an altruistic manner.

A person who exhibits healthy self-love is also known as a “self-actualized person,”. On the other end of this spectrum is narcissism. This is someone who is entirely focused on themselves and their own goals to the exclusion of anything else.

Because they are caught up in their reflection and image, they are not able to see or hear what other people need. As a result, they cannot truly love others and will only love themselves.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality DisorderIn general, a narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by grandiose attitudes and behaviors. It is a tendency to be acutely self-aware, in addition to lacking empathy for others. Narcissists think of themselves as being exceptionally unique and special.

In addition to exaggerating their accomplishments and self-aggrandizing, a narcissist is often boastful and pretentious to others. In addition to being envious of others, people with this condition will begrudgingly belittle others and downplay their successes. NPD sufferers are often impatient with others because they lack empathy, especially when faced with their problems or limitations.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, a person with narcissistic personality disorder must exhibit at least five of the following symptoms:

  1. Having a grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerating achievements)
  2. Having a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, and so on.
  3. Believing that they are special or unique and therefore can only be understood by other special, unique, or high-status people
  4. Having an excessive need for admiration
  5. Having a sense of entitlement
  6. Exploiting others for personal gain or benefit
  7. Lacking the ability to empathize with others
  8. Envying others and believing that others are envious of them
  9. Being very arrogant and haughty

The Devastating Effects of Narcissism on Mental Health & Interpersonal Relationships

The Devastating Effects of NarcissismNarcissism has been linked to several serious mental health issues. It can have disastrous effects on a person’s mental health and their relationships with other people. Because narcissists often find it hard to connect with other people in a meaningful way, they use and manipulate others in their relationships. Research that shows victims of narcissistic behavior are more likely to have mood and anxiety disorders. These include:

  • Major depression
  • Panic disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Social anxiety
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Eating disorders.

These disorders often lead to other problems, like using drugs or alcohol too much or not feeling good about yourself. Also, these people are most likely to try to kill themselves.

How to Heal from a Narcissistic Relationship Pattern

How to Heal from a Narcissistic Relationship PatternAlthough not all people with narcissistic personality disorder display abusive behavior in intimate relationships, being in a relationship with someone who struggles with the illness can create a poisonous atmosphere. It might be difficult to move on from an abusive relationship with someone who has a narcissistic personality disorder. However difficult it may seem, recovering from narcissistic abuse is possible.

It’s natural to second-guess yourself and wonder what you could have done better. You may find yourself reliving past events to determine how you might have approached them differently. To make matters even more complicated, you may find yourself longing to restart the connection.

Narcissistic relationships can be dangerous because of the euphoric high they provide. Breaking the cycle can be challenging. You may be embarrassed that you were even there and feel terrible for staying. It’s possible, however, that you’ll have trouble releasing your ties with the ex.

These are all normal reactions after ending a relationship characterized by narcissistic abuse, but it’s crucial to remember that the relationship was not your fault. That it wasn’t good for you is something else to keep in mind. You can heal and move on to more fulfilling, healthier relationships by recalling these events and bringing to light how your father, mother, or spouse with narcissistic behavior abused you.

Read on to find out what it takes to recover from narcissistic abuse and to get some advice from professionals on how to get there.

Acknowledging the Abuse

Acknowledging the AbuseAccepting that what you went through was emotional abuse begins with this realization. That’s good news because it means you can start to release any guilt or shame you’ve been feeling. Naturally, you would initially want to avoid admitting the existence of the relationship, as denial is a defense mechanism. However, for you to fully heal, you must face reality.

It’s important to remember that NPD can have repercussions outside of the romantic sphere as well. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) can affect any connection, whether it’s with a family member (a “narcissistic father” or “narcissistic mother”), a close friend, or a significant other. The first thing you need to do is accept that you were in this relationship and that you were subjected to narcissistic gaslighting.

Establishing Healthy Boundaries

When ending an abusive relationship, it is advised that both parties establish clear boundaries and stop communicating with each other. Remember that the “no touching” rule applies equally both ways. The initial steps toward establishing and maintaining that boundary may be challenging for you. You may be tempted to want to relive the “good old days” of a narcissistic relationship because of the promises of improvement and the high points you experienced together. Setting boundaries can aid in avoiding a relapse.

If it’s not possible to completely cut off contact (because of, say, children or a very close narcissistic family member), then it’s crucial to establish clear boundaries regarding the types of behavior you will and will not tolerate from this person. Don’t only tell them where the line is; tell them what will happen if they don’t stay away from it. During the event, you may say something like, “I’ll see you, but if you can’t respect my requests [remind them of the boundaries you set], I’ll leave.”

Set Specific Rules

Whether it’s with parents, friends, or in a romantic relationship, it’s crucial to be clear and detailed when establishing limits. This is especially critical when dealing with a narcissist. One way to do this is to request that they respect your privacy by not disclosing any information about you to third parties. You may, for example, provide them with a special email address to use for all of their correspondence with you. The extent of these limits is entirely up to you.

Seek Professional Help

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that helps people recover from narcissistic abuse. With the help of a therapist, you can start to:

  • Find out why you put up with abuse.
  • Learn how to deal with stress so you can handle abusive relationships.
  • Don’t give in to the urge to stay in touch with an abusive person.
  • Tell people in your life the truth about the abuse you’ve gone through.
  • Check to see if there are signs of anxiety, depression, or another mental health problem.