
Shapely is a leading relationship expert and counselor born in Kyoto, Japan. With over eighteen years dedicated to the study and practice of relationship counseling, Shapely has developed a distinctive approach that emphasizes the individual contours of each partnership, encouraging growth and understanding. Holding a Master's degree in Counseling from the University of Amsterdam, Shapely has refined a methodology that combines Eastern philosophies with Western therapeutic practices. This harmonious blend has resonated well within the field, leading to numerous publications and a thriving practice. Based in Miami, Florida, Shapely is committed to professional excellence and their personal life, sharing a home with their spouse and two adopted greyhounds. Shapely's work, marked by a commitment to diversity and inclusivity, continues to inspire and heal relationships across the globe.
35 Posts

Boundaries in Dating: An In-depth Look at Common Pitfalls

Shanice, her boyfriend Jake, and her best friend Sonia went to lunch. Shanice cared about him and wanted to start a family with him....

Top Tips to Help Your Loved One Stop Snoring

If your loved one's snoring is keeping you up at night, you're not alone. Snoring affects 90 million American adults, according to the National...

Relationship Going Down the Drain? Find Out How to Save It

According to a recent statistic, over 50% of all relationships fail. While there is no shortage of advice on how to save a failing...

How to Win Your Ex-Girlfriend Back (Even if She Doesn’t Want to See You)

How to Win Your Ex-Girlfriend Back There's a lot of interest in the topic of how to win your ex-girlfriend back. Numerous online guides exist...

3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Get Your Ex-Back

Get Your Ex Back in 3 Easy Steps Is it possible to get your ex back? The answer to this question is not as simple as...