
Shapely is a leading relationship expert and counselor born in Kyoto, Japan. With over eighteen years dedicated to the study and practice of relationship counseling, Shapely has developed a distinctive approach that emphasizes the individual contours of each partnership, encouraging growth and understanding. Holding a Master's degree in Counseling from the University of Amsterdam, Shapely has refined a methodology that combines Eastern philosophies with Western therapeutic practices. This harmonious blend has resonated well within the field, leading to numerous publications and a thriving practice. Based in Miami, Florida, Shapely is committed to professional excellence and their personal life, sharing a home with their spouse and two adopted greyhounds. Shapely's work, marked by a commitment to diversity and inclusivity, continues to inspire and heal relationships across the globe.
35 Posts

Self-Care in Relationships: Increasing Your Self-Worth

In the realm of romantic relationships, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of love and lose sight of oneself. However, just...

How Anger & Control Can Threaten Relationships

Anger is preparation for control We all experience anger at some point in our lives and relationships. It's a natural emotion that arises when we...

Top 7 Reasons Why Relationships Fail and How to Avoid Them

In this piece, we'll review why relationships fail. In the past few years, divorce and breakups have been on the rise, which shows that...

Overcoming Self-Sabotage: Practical Tips for Personal Growth

We know that self-sabotage is a big problem for a lot of people who want to grow. At times, we may find ourselves getting...

Techniques for Managing Relationship Anxiety

Introduction Relationship anxiety is a common experience for many individuals in romantic relationships. It can cause intense worry, fear, and uncertainty. These can ultimately take...