Graciela Marshall

Graciella Marshall, originally from Barcelona, Spain, is an esteemed relationship counselor and author with a rich background in helping individuals and couples cultivate healthy, fulfilling relationships. With over twenty years of experience in the field, Graciella's expertise is sought after by clients from all walks of life. She earned her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from a recognized university, where she specialized in relationship dynamics and communication strategies. Graciella is known for her compassionate approach and innovative techniques that address the root causes of relationship issues. Married with one son and twin daughters, she resides in San Francisco, California, where she runs a successful private practice. Graciella's contributions to the field, including her widely acclaimed workshops, have made her a pivotal figure in transforming the lives of many couples, guiding them toward more loving and sustainable partnerships.
14 Posts

10 Warning Signs of Poor Communication in Marriage

Is poor communication harming your marriage? Identifying warning signs like ignoring feelings and frequent misunderstandings is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. Addressing these...

7 Steps to Overcome Resentment and Heal Marriage Wounds

Are you feeling resentful towards your spouse and struggling to move past old wounds? Resentment can erode the foundation of any marriage. Discover seven...

Is Your Marriage Brag-Worthy? 5 Key Assessment Tips

Is your marriage as strong as you believe it to be? The Brag Test offers a simple yet effective way to assess the health...

Strengthening Sexual Intimacy: 6 Key Strategies for Couples

Are you seeking ways to enhance sexual intimacy and mutual understanding in your relationship? Bridging the gap in sexual intimacy involves open communication, understanding...

10 Ways Personal Growth Enhances Relationships

Personal transformation plays a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of relationships in both your personal and professional lives. When you embark on a...