Anastasia Stewart

Anastasia Stewart, born in Seattle, Washington, is a renowned relationship expert and counselor, acclaimed for her transformative approach to couple’s therapy. With over two decades of experience, Anastasia has helped countless couples navigate the complexities of intimacy and communication. She holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Cambridge and has specialized training in Emotional Focused Therapy. Anastasia's groundbreaking methods have been featured in several leading publications, and she is a sought-after speaker at international conferences. Married with two children and a spirited golden retriever, Anastasia balances her professional success with a bustling family life in her hometown, where she continues to write, counsel, and inspire change in relationships around the globe.
4 Posts

10 Essential Tips for Financial Harmony in Marriage

Is money causing friction in your marriage? This post will discuss 10 insightful strategies for creating financial harmony. Let's dive in. One: Understand Your Spouse's Money...

Putting Your Relationship First: Overcoming Pride for a Stronger Bond

The Damaging Impact of Pride on Relationships Pride can be a dangerous thing in relationships. The consequences can be damaging when ego and self-importance precede...

Unlocking a Deeper Connection: How Vulnerability Can Strengthen Your Marriage

The Power of Vulnerability in Relationships Vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength that can transform relationships. When you share your authentic thoughts and...

Understanding the Narcissistic Relationship Pattern

It is often very frustrating and even distressing to live or work with a narcissistic person. When living with a self-absorbed significant other, it's...